Get Involved
Become a Member
If you are over 18 years of age and live with a neuromuscular disability (a form of Muscular Dystrophy, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, ALS, etc.), you are already a member of NMD United! Just let us know that you are out there and we will get you connected to our resources and community.
Sponsor a Project
NMD United always welcomes sponsors for our various projects and initiatives. Because we are volunteer run, donations go to directly serving our community. Head on over to our donate page to learn how to best support our organization from afar even if you're not a member.
Everyone involved with NMD United is a volunteer staff. We couldn't do all that we do without you. We are currently looking for all kinds of help on various projects and committees. We provide verification for required internship hours and the work you'll do will look excellent on your resume! You can volunteer at times that work best for you from the accessible comfort of your home.
Start a Chapter
NMD United currently has six active chapters that serve adults with NMDs that pledge to meet at least four times per year in their local area. It is our hope to have even more chapters established in the coming year throughout the U.S. and around the globe! If you want to bring friends together for good times and support, you may be our next perfect Chapter Organizer.