A letter to my younger self
About the author: Aubrie Lee is an artist with an engineering degree from Stanford University. She enjoys riddles, holographic foil, and...

Smith's Showcase Feature: Hannah Soyer
Hannah Soyer is a creative nonfiction writer and journalist. Her work focuses on underrepresented groups, under-talked about things, and...

Smith's Showcase Feature: Steve Way
Steve Way is featured in many episodes of the Hulu show Ramy, which premiered in April to tons of acclaim. Steve plays one of Ramy's best...

Smith's Showcase Feature: Ing Wong-Ward
Ing Wong-Ward kicks off Smith's Showcase with a great seven-question interview.

NMD United's Holiday Gift Guide for Adults Living with NMD
Gift ideas for adults living with neuromuscular disabilities (NMDs)

3 Reasons You Should Support Peer-Directed and Driven Charities Over Big Box Charities
In this post, I’m going to hopefully convince you why a peer-directed and driven charity (PDDC) should receive your full support over a big

Support for Portlight Strategies & Disaster Relief
NMD United is proud to support the great work of a fellow peer run and led organization, Portlight Inclusive Disaster Strategies, as it...

AHCA Sends Us Back
I graduated college in 1990. The ADA had just been passed. There was no funding for home care. There was no accessible public...

Imperative Voice
To all of my NMD gimpy friends, an individual instance of a systemic problem must get our attention. I don't think anyone can genuinely...

The Sick and Twisted Irony Behind "Support" for Jerika Bolen
Jerika Bolen's death was not beautiful. It was a tragedy. No 14-year-old should be allowed to make a decision about life and death. NO...