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Why the D.I.A. must pass

Read the last line of this quote to yourself a couple of times. Then urge your senators and representatives to pass the Disability Integration Act.

"The company informed Ms. Negron that her home care was immediately being cut to 25 hours a week from 50, and her aide, the mother of a 7-year-old, was rescheduled to work from Thursday through the weekend, not Monday to Friday.

“I panicked,” Ms. Negron’s daughter Carmen Hernandez said, recalling the scene she found at her mother’s apartment that day. The aide was in tears, and Ms. Negron, 72, was petrified that she would have to go to a nursing home. “My mother said, ‘If you put me in a home, I’m going to commit suicide.’”

Click here to read the entire article.

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